Driving Home in April
From 8200 feet along one side of the Upper Arkansas River Valley in central Colorado, my blog is about many things: travel including river and bicycle trips, and other experiences as well. The focus is on photography, not lots of text.
A recent bit of work on my Sinus required that I crawl back into the fuselage to mount the trim linkage. This will be operated by a trim control knob located between the seats, with cables going back to the linkage, which will be connected to the elevator pushrod with springs.
When I signed up for this blog-thing, I put down a few emails to be notified when I posted. I thought they'd just receive notice that I'd posted. But they've received entire posts. Well, I just learned that one of these people has been receiving garbled posts where words overlap photos, and can't be read. Moreover, Blogger sends what I post first, though I commonly find errors in what I've just written, and make edits. But the first (unedited) version is the one that gets sent out, often making me look like some sort of illiterate fool. So I'm gonna cancel all of these. But do check my blog now and then, if your interested in what I post about!
I've been feeling a lot like a stump lately, without much physical activity. I felt that way again today, so later this afternoon, maybe 6:40 or so, I got on my Cruzbike for a ride. I turned toward my valley, following the county road east and then south for maybe three and a half miles, powering up the only significant hill, and also up the steepest one. I went to where I'd have had to cross a cattle guard which has presented difficulties in the past, so there I turned around and rode home. Mostly gentle ups and downs, and then the steady climb to my house--but it all felt great! That was about five hours ago and I still feel great. More like a person now than a stump, and this is a good change.
Back to August 27: Don Giovanni was, as usual, magnificent. Opera productions vary, so it was fascinating to see the Santa Fe Opera's staging. That is, how they staged it this year. It was much different from their last production of the same opera.