High Mountain Doings

From 8200 feet along one side of the Upper Arkansas River Valley in central Colorado, my blog is about many things: travel including river and bicycle trips, and other experiences as well. The focus is on photography, not lots of text.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Catching-up Time

I'm behind in my blogging. So I'll be reading my notebook to see what I've missed, and soon be making more posts. I've been keeping notes, but just haven't been blogging them. This may be before, or it may be after, my rapidly upcoming trip to the bit EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association) fly-in and drive-in at Wittman Field in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

So stand by, and the posts will start to flow again. I tried Facebook for a time, but realized that posts made there don't remain there very long. Maybe there's a feature whereby you can read back more than just a little on there--I don't know for sure. I just looked on here, and could see back to my first in 2006!


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