Horizontal Tail

The job here is to install the pins into the fittings that extend from the left hand piece (the elevator), and tighten the nuts on each. You can't scratch the other end of the pins because they need to fit smoothly into the brackets on the right-hand piece (the stabilizer).
The piece of plastic tubing on the nearest pin is there because I found that with the tubing in place, I could grasp the pin without scratching it. Then I could tighten the nut.
I also installed a bolt mechanism in the hole that goes through the stabilizer, top to bottom, lining up with the threaded receptacle in the top of the vertical fin. The mechanism will allow the bolt to be turned (to remove the stabilizer) if the metal part surrounding the bolt is depressed, with the rim of the socket wrench or by some other means. When that part is up, it prevents the bolt from turning. This is a safety mechanism that will allow removal if desired.
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