High Mountain Doings

From 8200 feet along one side of the Upper Arkansas River Valley in central Colorado, my blog is about many things: travel including river and bicycle trips, and other experiences as well. The focus is on photography, not lots of text.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Highest Saloon in America

In Alma, Colorado, around 10,500 feet near Fairplay in South Park, is this saloon that claims to be the highest in America. It probably is! I was on my way to Patty's in Denver, had been stopped for an hour and a half just past Fairplay by an unknown traffic problem up ahead. Word came down the line that it would be another hour. I did what I'd been thinking about doing. I drove a mile or two back to Fairplay and turned north on Highway 9 over Hoosier Pass to Breckenridge and I-70. On the way, I stopped for a good lunch at this place.


At 2/19/2010 5:47 PM, Blogger Tom Rampton said...

It was Superbowl day, by the way. Hence the sign on the saloon.

At 3/30/2010 10:52 PM, Anonymous tiwiwas said...

I am getting Mailer Daemon messages every time I send you an email, Tom. Did you close down your email address? The messages refer to Thomas.Rampton.net - not sure about the dot after Thomas. Hope you both are having a great trip!


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