Firewall penetrations. Some of the wires from the electrical panel (just behind the firewall pictured here) will need to go through this fitting, or through a larger one. The finger is that of David Dixen, the dealer through whom I bought my Sinus kit. He and his wife were in Colorado for a few days.

Not of lot of work has gotten done on the Sinus these last two weeks. Patty and I went to see daughter Tammy and her family near Phoenix, and Patty had training to go to in San Diego. But in between, I did find time to put down the Velcro that holds the seat and the front floor mat in place. There is a special liquid (in the factory-supplied bottle here) that makes the Velcro really adhere to the plastic! As Paul Kuntz commented, you'd just about have to destroy the Velcro to get it back off. That means the Velcro here won't be coming loose!
I'm about to the point where I'll need to figure out the control system, and also figure out how the spanwise tube that the control sticks attach to can be gotten into position. Nothing I've tried so far seems to work.
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