Just a short distance away from the takeout is the Bedrock Store. I think I bought some cheese or something, and perhaps a drink. It's a good re-introduction to the world. I enjoyed my drive out to Ridgway, along one of the valleys that are salt-collapse structures. Speaking of which, the Dolores River is a major contributor of salt to the Colorado River system.
The takeout at Bedrock. Takeouts are always hard work, but my trailer
makes it a lot easier now! I used to have to roll up my raft.
On river left there's a trail just a few miles from Bedrock that takes you to a good set of dinosaur tracks on a face of sandstone that shows ripples--either water-made, or eolian.
Evening at our last camp.
Here is the neck of the entrenched meander at Muleshoe Bend. Early in the geologic future, the river will erode across this neck and Muleshoe Bend will be cut off. The bend will still be there, but there won't be any water. We can find numerous places along western rivers where this has happened. There's one on the San Juan near Four Foot Rapid. Three Canyon in Desolation is one. So is Anderson Botton in Stillwater Canyon.
This is where I slept on our next-to-last night. I didn't see a good campsite but I did see this rather flat rock right above the water. I DO have a sleeping pad, so I set up there. It was great since I'm not a sleepwalker.
Labels: End of Slickrock Canyon to the Bedrock takeout
What a great chronicle of what looks like an amazing trip! I can't wait to do it with you some time!! patty
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