Forgot Some Photos...Here They Are
This is, of course, just a piece of wood in the cheat grass. It is not an alligator or a serpent.
Two cottonwood logs in the grass at Faultline Camp.
Two students run after the group past a cottonwood tree at Faultline Camp. The others were heading off on a hike. This camp is located right by a big fold (apparently a monocline) which, it seems to me, must be an extension of the fold that creates Colorado National Monument. There must be some faulting here, too.
Thomas reads from John Wesley Powell's journal. Powell didn't come this way, but where he did go (down the Green River) was very similar. Behind Thomas is a tamarisk (salt cedar) plant. Imported from the middle east, I believe, to make windbreaks, it has taken over the banks of nearly every western river. These horrible things were not here in Powell's day.
WOW! Great new pics!
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