Ruby-Horsethief Canyons, Crestone Charter School
I helped this trip by rowing my own raft as a supply boat. Four other boats were paddled by the students, each with an adult as captain. Two had extensive experience as river guides.
The weather was like summer! I've done cold May river trips in wind and rain. In fact, I'd sworn off doing river trips in May. But this one couldn't have been any better.
The river was rising slowly, getting ready to carry some serious snowmelt down! We started on 11,000 cubic feet per second (cfs) and ended at 14,400 cfs. That's around still-low to medium water on this part of the Colorodo.
Our trip went from Fruita, west of Grand Junction, to the Westwater BLM site which is just across the Utah border. There is only a little whitewater on this trip. Closest would be where the river pours through a narrow defile in the "Black Rocks."
Hey Tom, thanks for the post and your help on the trip! I think you are right in thinking that the kids gained an appreciation of the river as well as its beauty and worth. Thanks Thomas
Tom, the pictures are wonderful. Thanks for the documentation. Jay and Finn both had great journeys, thanks also for your guide expertise. Is it ok if we grab some of these pics and post them on the school blog for our community to share? Thanks again, kathryn
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